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Why Advertise with LW Flowers
The majority (92%) of advertisers are using Internet advertising in their media campaigns followed by print advertising at 88 percent, according to a new LinkedIn Research Network/Harris Poll.

The Internet has Turned the Tables
With searchers/browsers in the driving seat and invariably searching for what interests them not what advertisers would like them to see.

Types of Advertising Used

14% Use the Internet Only
Of those who use Internet advertising just 14 percent say they use it in a standalone campaign, while 54 percent say the use it in an integrated campaign with other media and 33 percent use Internet advertising in both types of campaigns equally.

Consumer Frustrations of Internet Advertising
LW Flowers Connects with Customers
"At least three in five consumers are very frustrated with six of the main Internet advertising characteristics, and there is the potential to see a backlash forming. To be successful, those that advertise on the Internet will need to come up with more engaging ways to connect with consumers."

The Trend is Towards the Internet
"Although the trend among advertisers is clearly towards the Internet, advertisers have to walk a fine line," the study concludes.

4 out of 5 Use it for Branding
Four out of five advertisers who use Internet advertising use it as a branding device (79%).
LW Flowers helps you get your brand in front of flower buyers.

Two-thirds use it to drive information gathering for an offline transaction (65%). Slightly less than three in five advertisers (58%) use Internet advertising to drive online transactions while 57 percent say they use it to promote community around their brand.

Ads are Annoying
Internet users find many aspects of online advertising very annoying. The majority (80%) say they find ads that expand on the page and cover the content very frustrating while 79 percent say ads where they can't find the close or skip button are very frustrating.

Pop Ups are Frustrating
Three-quarters of consumers (76%) find Internet ads that automatically pop up very frustrating while two-thirds (66%) say ads that open if they are "moused over" are very frustrating. Three in five consumers find both animated ads that automatically start playing and ads that play music and/or have loud soundtracks to be very frustrating (60% for both).
7/23/2009 Artical from WebProNews.com "More Advertisers Turning To Internet"
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